Drama Class Fee Schedule:

A $100.00 deposit is held as a non-refundable deposit to secure your child’s position at CATS. No refunds are issued if a student withdraws with less than two weeks to the start of drama class.

Summer Camp Fee Schedule

Regular Camp Registration Refund Policy

A $100.00 non-refundable deposit is held to secure your child’s position at CATS Camp. No refunds are issued if a student withdraws with less than two weeks to the start of camp. No credits will be issued.

Fees / Payment Options

We accept payment by CREDIT CARD (preferred) If you prefer to pay by cheque, please deliver it to the Head Director that is assigned to your child’s drama class.

Cheques are payable to Children’s Arts Theatre School.‍

Outstanding Credits:

All outstanding credits accumulated can be applied to any term at Children’s Arts Theatre School. All credits are dollar for dollar. Any CATS discounts offered during registration do not apply to any credits used.

Cancellation Policy:

No refunds will be issued. A credit with no expiration will be available for your child to be applied to any future term with Children’s Arts Theatre School.


***Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children attend camp sessions.***

***There are no make up days for absentees. ***

***There are no prorated days for sick/missed days. ***